Are you struggling to find the right acne treatment? Let me help you make the best choice.

We must be asked at least once a day about all the TV infomercial acne systems and their copycats. We respond with, "Well, it's a nice start." There is good science behind these popular "acne control systems," but how can one method work on the multitudes of unique skin types and conditions?


If your skin didn't get too irritated with the products, it may have worked for you.... for a while. As we mentioned in our first article, do you notice how an "acne system" can work for a while and then it doesn't? We hear this all the time. This is the thing: skin can adapt to a regimen. Once this happens, it will stop responding to your acne-fighting products.


At Skin Essence, we have developed a system to adjust your skincare routine every two weeks so your products do not stop working and keep you clear.


 An "acne control system" vending machine can't analyze your skin and see how it's responding to treatment. Are you dry and irritated? Are you making progress? It hands everyone the same cookie-cutter routine, from the teenager next door to your Aunt Nancy. How can the same products work for such different types of skin?


We believe in a customized approach to acne management for your unique condition. As there are different types of acne, there are different ingredients and potencies to treat each acne type. 


Our Acne Specialists are here to guide you, so you can have:


1. The best products for your type of acne 

 2. The best potency level while keeping your skin balanced, healthy, and happy.

 When you are ready to stop "guessing" what's going to work to get rid of your acne, we are here and ready for you.