What is Peptide? How many are there? How does it works?

What is Peptide? How many are there? How does it works?

Peptides in cosmetics are short chains of amino acids typically limited to 3 to 10 amino acid units. Specific roles, like anti-aging benefits or improving skin and scalp health. As naturally occurring molecules in the body, Peptides play many roles, including signaling and cell communication.
While some are formulated to deliver anti-aging benefits, such as combatting wrinkles or improving firmness, others are designed to counteract inflammation, enhance skin barrier function, modulate melanogenesis in the skin or scalp, and even stimulate hair growth.
The specific combination and order of amino acids in a peptide will ultimately determine its end-benefit in a cosmetic formulation, underscoring the potential of peptides to significantly enhance skin health.

References 1. Merrifield RB. Solid phase peptide synthesis. I. The synthesis of a tetrapeptide. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1963;85:2149–2154. doi: 10.1021/ ja00897a025 2. Palladino P, Stetsenko DA. New TFA-Free Cleavage and Final Deprotection in Fmoc Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis

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